Celco Annual Report 2023

2022 Annual Meeting Minutes, November 18, 2022

President Je f Morris called to the order the Annual meeting of the Celco Community Federal Credit Union in the auditorium at Giles High School. Board members in attendance were Connie Copeland, Jerry Eaton, Alvin Crotty, Anne Chambers and Karen Turner. The President welcomed all members and asked Mark Clemons to please give the invocation and to lead the members in the pledge of allegiance. The President then asked the Treasurer if there was a quorum present

to proceed with the meeting. The Treasurer replied yes. The President then spoke about the volunteers and how with their help allowed the meeting to be held. Mr. Morris then thanked the employees for their help in making the credit union an excellent fnancial institution. The President then spoke about the improvements that were to begin on the inside of the Narrows o f ces. President Morris then asked if there were any corrections to the minutes of the November 18, 2021 annual meeting. Hearing none, Connie Copeland makes the motion to approve the minutes as presented. Alvin Crotty seconds the motion. All members voted to approve the motion, motion carried. President Morris then said the meeting was to be short this year. Next on the agenda was to elect two members to the Board of Directors for a three year term. There were no nominees from the foor, so Connie Copeland moved that the nominations be closed and that Alvin Crotty and Je f Morris be elected by acclamation. Anne Chambers seconded the motion. Before the President called upon the Marketing/Education to have the drawings for door prizes, he asked that the members please allow the elderly and handicapped to be allowed to exit frst for the meal. After the drawings were held, the drawing for the 50/50 was won by member Cindy Dowdy. Anne Chambers made the motion that the meeting be adjourned, Karen Turner seconds the motion. All members voted in approval, motion carried.

2023 Annual

Meeting Agenda 1. Welcome, Call to Order President, Je f Morris 2. Prayer 3. Business a. Establish Quorum

b. Approval of 2022 Annual Meeting Minutes c. Review of President’s Report d. Elections Board of Directors - Nominations & Elections

5. Drawings for Prizes

Marketing & Education Committee

6. Adjournment 7. Dinner

Respectfully submitted, Jeff Morris , President Anne Chambers , Secretary

Country Kitchen


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