CburgParksRec_Fall 2019
INDIVIDUALS WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES IN THE NEW RIVER VALLEY The Christiansburg Recreation Center co–sponsors inclusive programs for people with and without intellectual disabilities. All are challenged to improve skills, develop friendships and promote understanding of each other’s capabilities through a spirit of equality and team unity. For information or to register for a program, contact Shelia Roop at (540) 381-0310.
COOKING CLASS Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Kitchen
Additional Information: Participants will prepare a healthy easy meal each week, as well as learn important cooking skills and how to use various kitchen equipment. Co-sponsored by Christiansburg Department of Parks & Recreation and Intellectual Disabilities Agency. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 10 Registration Date Time Weeks FEE Sept. 9 – Oct. 2 Wednesday, Oct. 9 11 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. 4 $20 HALLOWEEN DANCE Additional Information: Dress up and join us for some fun, refreshments and dancing. Co–sponsored by Christiansburg Department of Parks & Recreation and Intellectual Disabilities Agency. To register for class, contact Sheila Roop at (540) 381-0310. Registration Date Time Fee Sept. 9 – Oct. 21 Friday, Oct. 25 6 – 9 p.m. $2 pp. CRAFT CLASS Additional Information: Join us for weekly themed crafts, socializing and fun. Co-sponsored by Christiansburg Department of Parks & Recreation and Intellectual Disabilities Agency. To register for class contact, Sheila Roop at (540) 381-0130. Minimum: 8 Maximum: 10 Registration Date Time Weeks FEE Sept. 9 - Nov.13 Wednesday, Nov. 20 10 - 11:30 a.m. 4 $20 includes all supplies FISHING RODEO Additional Information: Please contact Sheila Roop at (540) 381-0310 or sheila@idanrv.org for registration information Partici- pants must pre-register for the event. Registration Date Time FEE Location TBA TBA Noon FREE RAAP Facility Pond VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Additional Information: Co-sponsored by Christiansburg Department of Parks & Recreation and Intellectual Disabilities Agency. To register for class contact Sheila Roop at (540) 381-0130. Please note there will not be bowling on the following dates: October 20, 27 and November 24. Eligibility Date Day Time Fee Location 13 & over Sept. 10 Tuesdays 7 - 8:30 p.m. FREE Blacksburg Community Center BOWLING LEAGUE Additional Information: This is a bowling league and you will bowl two games. Standings are kept but a sanction fee isn’t charged. Shoes are free. Co-sponsored by Christiansburg Department of Parks & Recreation and Intellectual Disabilities Agen- cy. To register for class, contact Sheila Roop at (540) 381-0130. Please note there will not be bowling on the following dates: October 20, 27 and November 24. Eligibility Date Day Time Fee Location 13 & over Sept. 19 Thursdays 7 – 9 p.m. $4/week NRV Superbowl CHRISTMAS DANCE Additional Information: Join us for our annual Christmas dance and Santa’s visit. Co-sponsored by Christiansburg Department of Parks & Recreation and Intellectual Disabilities Agency. To register for class, contact Sheila Roop at (540) 381-0130. Registration Ends Eligibility Date Time Fee Location December 2 13 & over Friday, Dec. 6 7 – 9 p.m. $2 pp Court A
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