CburgParksRec_Fall 2019
INSTANT POT COOKING Instructor: Jennifer Friend Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Kitchen
Additional Information: Do you have an Instant Pot or other brand of electronic pressure cooker and are nervous to use it? Or are you thinking about getting one and want to learn more? This class will cover the basics of how to use the Instant Pot, as well as providing ideas of what it can be used for. Several recipes will be demonstrated that you can taste test. Feel free to bring your own Instant Pot with you for hands – on instruction. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 15 Registration Eligibility Dates Time FEE Aug. 1 – Sept. 18 21 & over Monday, Sept. 23 6:30 – 8 p.m. $13/$23 Additional Information: Have you ever been surprised to find a beautifully painted rock hidden somewhere or in plain sight? Now you have the opportunity to surprise someone else with your own painted rock! You will have the opportunity to paint two rocks, one a beautiful sunflower, and one beetle. There will be an inspirational message on the flip side as well. Pre-register. Minimum: 8 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Dates Time FEE Ends Sept. 17 50 & over Tuesday, Sept. 24 1 p.m. $10 ADVANCE DIRECTIVE CLINIC Additional Information: Rebecca Herbig, MSW Disability Rights Advocate of Disability Law Center of Richmond, Virginia will offer an Advanced Directive Clinic at Radford Parks & Recreation Department, located at 200 George Street, on Wednesday, Sept. 25 at 10 a.m. in multipurpose rooms 3 & 4. It is important for you to consider who you would like to appoint as your agent and your preferences regarding medical care. You may want to consider potential scenarios that you may want to include in your advance directive. Please sign up for this informative clinic in advance at 731-5517. HAPPY ROCKS Location: Montgomery County Gov't Center
LUNCH AND CRAFT Location: Commonwealth Senior Living - Christiansburg Additional Info: Enjoy a delicious lunch before making a unique painting using Q - tips. Pre-register. Minimum: 8 Maximum: 10 Registration Eligibility Dates Time FEE Ends Sept. 19 50 & over Tuesday, Sept. 26 Noon FREE
HALLOWEEN MYSTERY CRAFT Location: Commonwealth Senior Living – Christiansburg Additional Information: Make a Halloween craft to display in your house. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time
Monday, Oct. 7
Sept. 9 – Oct. 1
50 & over
1:30 p.m.
GERM PREVENTION – STAY HEALTHY & WASH YOUR HANDS – Ashley Hash, Carilion Location: Recreation Center Lobby Additional Information: Washing your hands is one of the best ways to prevent the spread of cold and flu viruses, but many people don’t practice proper hand washing technique. Come participate in a quick, interactive activity that will show you the places you miss while washing your hands and learn the steps you can take to stay healthy this cold and flu season. All ages welcome. Registration Eligibility Date Time FEE Sept. 9 – Oct. 1 All ages Monday, Oct. 7 4 p.m. FREE
BALANCE AND FALL PREVENTION Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Senior Activities Room
Additional Information: Join us for our four week interactive, educational class for Balance and Fall Prevention, as well as the importance of strength and conditioning in our aging population. Physical therapists from University Physical Therapy will be conducting these classes. A healthy snack will be provided and you will have time for questions and answers. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time FEE Weeks Sept. 9 – Oct. 1 50 & over Tuesday, Oct. 8 9:30 a.m. FREE 4
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