CburgParksRec_Fall 2019
Christiansburg Parks and Recreation, funded by the Town of Christiansburg, offers a variety of recreational and educational opportunities to its residents. The department also receives funding from the Christiansburg Kiwanis Club for the maintenance of Kiwanis Park and for the purchase of youth athletic equipment. GENERAL INFORMATION Christiansburg Parks and Recreation, funded by the Town of Christiansburg, offers a variety of recreational and educational opportunities to its residents. The department also receives funding from the Christiansburg Kiwanis Club for the maintenance of Kiwanis Park and for the purchase of youth athletic equipment. Register for programs in person at the Christiansburg Recreation Center, 1600 North Franklin Street. Administrative office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Registration for programs will only be accepted during Administrative office hours.
REGISTRATION INFORMATION 1. Registration for programs will be accepted by mail to:
Christiansburg Department of Parks and Recreation 1600 North Franklin Street Christiansburg, VA 24073 2. All fees must be paid at the time of registration. Please make checks payable to: Christiansburg Parks and Recreation. 3. Early registration is encouraged, as many programs fill up fast. 4. Pre–registration is required for all programs. 5. Registration is accepted on a “first come, first served” basis up to the maximum enrollment. 6. Upon receipt of registration form and fee, that individual is automatically enrolled (space permitting). There will not be any con- firmation of mail–in registrations. The department will only notify individuals if there is a problem with the registration. Feel free to call the Christiansburg Parks and Recreation Administrative Office to confirm your registration. 7. Phone registration will not be accepted. 8. If the program is full, you may request that your name and phone number be put on a waiting list. You will be contacted if a space becomes available. 9. Late registration and transfers are only possible when there are openings. 10. Christiansburg Parks and Recreation reserves the right to change and/or cancel programs. 11. Participants who register for a program that requires the purchase of equipment and/or supplies should wait until the last day of registration and check with the Parks and Recreation Administrative Office to ensure the program will be conducted. 12. If a participant cannot participate after registering, a written request for a refund must be submitted within three (3) working days prior to the week the program starts. Refunds are not given after the first program meeting, unless approved by the Director of Parks and Recreation. When programs are canceled, refunds are automatic. 13. Parents with children enrolled in programs should pick them up no later than fifteen (15) minutes after the end of that program. 14. For additional information, call Christiansburg Parks and Recreation at (540) 382-2349. 1. If Montgomery County Public Schools are closed due to inclement weather, the Christiansburg Recreation Center will not open until 8 a.m. and all scheduled programs will be canceled for that date. 2. If Montgomery County Public Schools are delayed in the morning due to inclement weather, all programs before noon will be canceled for that morning. 3. If Montgomery County Public Schools are released early due to inclement weather, all programs after noon will be canceled for that afternoon/evening. 4. If Montgomery County Public Schools after–school activities are canceled, all of our evening programs will be canceled for that evening. INCLEMENT WEATHER POLICY
1. Unless stated otherwise in the class description, adults are asked to wait outside of the classroom during the child’s class time. 2. Adults are asked not to bring children to their classes. Children brought to adult classes interfere with other participants and the instructor. Thank you for your cooperation.
1. The following policy on refunds for recreation programs will be effective January 1, 2008. 2. Partial refunds will not be issued for classes or programs unless the instructor is unable to complete the class. In case of canceled classes due to inclement weather, partial refunds will not be issued if at least 80% of the scheduled activity has met. When possi-
ble, a canceled class or activity will be rescheduled. 3. Partial refunds will not be issued for less than $5.
1. Will be allowed to pre-register for all programs. 2. If one of the following requirements is satisfied, there will be no additional fee: a. be a resident of the Town of Christiansburg b. be a real estate taxpayer of the Town of Christiansburg
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