CburgParksRec_Fall 2019
LUNCH BRUNCH Additional Information: Join us for our monthly lunch outing to various restaurants in the area. Participants are responsible for
paying for their own lunch. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Registration Sept. 9 – Oct. 15 18 & over Sept. 9 – Nov. 7 18 & over Sept. 9 – Dec. 9 18 & over Ends Aug. 28 18 & over
Eligibility Date
Fee Location $7/$14 Sagebrush
Thursday, Sept. 5
Leave Rec. Center at 10 a.m.
Wednesday, Oct. 23 Leave Rec. Center at 10 a.m.
$7/$14 Big Belly Restaurant $7/$14 Mansion at Ft. Chiswell
Thursday, Nov. 14 Monday, Dec. 16
Leave Rec. Center at 10 a.m.
Leave Rec. Center at 10:30 a.m. $7/$14 Ballest Point Brewery
LUNCH AND LEARN PRESENTATIONS Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Senior Activities Room Additional Information: Come out and learn something new and exciting with our lunch and learns. There will be a different topic for each. Lunch is provided FREE; Pre-register Minimum: 5 Maximum: 15 Registration Eligibility Date Time Topic Ends Sept. 18 50 & over Wednesday, Sept. 25 11 a.m. Veteran’s Café Sept. 9 – Oct. 9 50 & over Wednesday, Oct. 16 11 a.m. InnovAge Virginia Pace Sept. 9 – Oct. 14 50 & over Monday, Oct. 21 11 a.m. Robotic Knee Replacement Sept. 9 – Nov. 6 50 & over Tuesday, Nov. 12 Noon Time Bank & Tool Café Sept. 9 – Nov. 6 50 & over Wednesday, Nov. 13 11 a.m. SNAP Program & Va. Navigator MEDICARE DECISIONS MADE EASY Additional Information: You and a guest are invited to an educational workshop where you can get answers to your Medicare questions. You’ll have a better understanding of Medicare and how it works so you can make the right choice for your needs. Speaker: Linda Walker, Humana Minimum: 4 Maximum: 12 Eligibility Date Time Fee Location 50 and over Saturday, Sept. 14 10 a.m. FREE Christiansburg Rec Center 50 and over Saturday, Oct. 12 10 a.m. FREE Christiansburg Rec Center 50 and over Saturday, Nov. 9 10 a.m. FREE Christiansburg Rec Center 50 and over Saturday, Dec. 14 10 a.m. FREE Christiansburg Rec Center MYSTERY MOVIES AND MUNCHIES Additional Information: Join us for Monday movies and refreshments. This program is FREE, register by the Monday before each movie. Minimum: 4 Maximum: 12 Registration Eligibility Date Time Fee Ends Sept. 13 50 & over Monday, Sept. 16 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. FREE Sept. 9 – Oct. 14 50 & over Monday, Oct. 21 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. FREE Sept. 9 – Nov. 12 50 & over Monday, Nov. 18 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. FREE Sept. 9 – Dec. 9 50 & over Monday, Dec. 16 11 a.m. – 1 p.m. FREE Additional Information: Do you enjoy a good friendly game of scrabble but not the competiveness? Come out and play with other scrabble players. The group meets the first Friday each month and the third Sunday each month from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m. There is no fee to play. For more information please contact Tammy Caldwell; (540) 382-2349 ext. 2003, or email tcaldwell@christiansburg.org SENIOR AEROBICS FALL SESSION – Instructor: Sonia Badillio Additional Information: An ongoing low-impact aerobics class designed for the more physically fit senior. Registration is re- quired prior to joining the class. As with any exercise regimen, we advise you to talk with your doctor before joining the class. Note: Class is free with a valid membership otherwise $2 per class or 12-class pass can be purchased at the front desk. Registration Ends Start Date Time Location Days Aug. 28 Wednesday, Sept. 4 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Christiansburg Rec Center – MPR 2 M/W/F SCRABBLE PLAYERS Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Senior Lounge
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