CburgParksRec_Fall 2019
CARE GIVER SUPPORT GROUP Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Senior Lounge
HELPING HANDS Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Senior Activities Room Additional Information: Helping Hands is a group of crafters coming together every week to make items for various needs in our community. Please feel free to join us for a fun afternoon of knitting, sewing or crocheting and connect with some new friends and make a difference in our community. For more information please contact Tammy Caldwell (tcaldwell@christiansburg.org) or Tina Snyder (knitpic@aol.com). Eligibility Dates Time FEE 18 & over Every Wednesday beginning Sept. 11 1 - 3 p.m. FREE Additional Information: Wal-Mart will be providing immunizations (flu and general health vaccines), education on the impor- tance of immunization, $4 lists of generic prescriptions available along with some door prizes. Walk-ins welcome. FREE with Medicare Part B, must present card at time of shot. Participants with/without Medicare Part B must present their insurance card prior to receiving their shot. Most insurance accepted. Exact cash or check only. Date Time Cost Wednesday, Oct. 9 9 - 11a.m. FREE WITH MEDICARE PART B, see additional information above Thursday, Oct. 17 10 a.m. - noon FREE WITH MEDICARE PART B, see additional information above Tuesday, Oct. 22 5 - 7 p.m. FREE WITH MEDICARE PART B, see additional information above GOSPEL SING - TUESDAYS Additional Information: Vanessa Eason leads an inspirational sing-along. Date Day Time Location Sept. 3 Tuesday 10 a.m. Christiansburg Rec Center – Senior Activities Room Oct. 1 Tuesday 10 a.m. Christiansburg Rec Center – Senior Activities Room Nov. 5 Tuesday 10 a.m. Christiansburg Rec Center – Senior Activities Room Dec. 3 Tuesday 10 a.m. Christiansburg Rec Center – Senior Activities Room Additional Information: We all know taking care of a loved one can take a physical and emotional toll on a person, while also trying to take care of themselves. The support group will provide participants to have a little time for themselves, meet others and resources. The support group meets the 3rd Wednesday of each month. Please call to pre –register. Minimum: 5 Maximum: 8 Eligibility Dates Time FEE 50 & over Wednesday, Oct. 16, Nov. 20 and Dec. 18 2 p.m. FREE; pre-register CHRISTIANSBURG/MONTGOMERY TRIAD S.A.L.T. Additional Information: The Christiansburg/Montgomery Triad S.A.L.T. (seniors and Law Enforcement Working Together) Coun- cil works on various projects to benefit senior citizens in the community. The council meets every third Tuesday of the month at 1:30 p.m. at the Christiansburg Recreation Center; meetings are open to all senior citizens to attend. For additional information please contact Tammy Caldwell, 540–382–2349, ext. 2003 Program Eligibility Date Time Location Triad Meeting 50 & over Tuesday, Sept. 17 1:30 p.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center Patriot’s Day 50 & over Wednesday, Sept. 11 7 – 10 a.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center Shred-A-Thon 50 & over Tuesday, Oct. 15 3 – 6 p.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center Home Security Presentation 50 & over Tuesday, Nov. 19 1:30 p.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center Christmas Lunch 50 & over Tuesday, Dec. 17 1:30 p.m. Christiansburg Recreation Center FLU SHOTS - CHRISTIANSBURG PHARMACY Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center Lobby Provider: Christiansburg Pharmacy Additional Information: Christiansburg Pharmacy will be offering flu shots. Walk-ins welcome. FREE with Medicare Part B, must present card at time of shot. Participants with/without Medicare Part B must present their insurance card prior to receiving their shot. Most insurance accepted. Exact cash or check only. Date Time Cost Wednesday, Sept. 11 9 - 11 a.m. FREE WITH MEDICARE PART B, see additional information above Tuesday, Sept. 17 5 - 7 p.m. FREE WITH MEDICARE PART B, see additional information above Thursday, Sept. 26 5 - 7 p.m. FREE WITH MEDICARE PART B, see additional information above FLU SHOTS - WALMART PHARMACY Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center front lobby Provider: Walmart Pharmacy
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