CburgParksRec_Fall 2019
TRADER JOE’S Additional Information: We will travel to Trader Joe’s where they have great produce, great prices and a lot of healthy options at exceptional everyday prices. At Trader Joes you won’t find a lot of branded items; instead, you’ll discover unconventional and interesting products. Lunch will be on your own at a local restaurant. Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Location Sept. 9 – Nov. 19 21 & over Monday, Nov. 25 Leave Rec. Center at 8 a.m. $10/$20 Charlottesville, Va. WOHLFAHRT HAUS CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK Additional Information: Enjoy a delicious Holiday feast before you are completely immersed in the Christmas season. Sit back, relax, and reminisce with some of your favorite Christmas carols, holiday music, dazzling dance numbers, and beautiful cos- tumes! To complete the evening, be inspired by the greatest gift of all, the beautiful story of the nativity! From our Haus to yours, “MERRY CHRISTMAS!” Pre-register. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 16 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Sept. 9 – Nov. 21 21 & over Tuesday, Dec. 3 Leave Rec. Center at 11:30 a.m. $57/$77 COOKING DEMO: HEALTHY SIDE DISHES – Instructor: Jennifer Friend Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Kitchen Additional Information: Have a great time learning how to make healthy side dishes. You will take home a copy of the recipes and the opportunity to sample great food. Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Sept. 3 – Dec. 2 Ages 18 & over Thursday, Dec. 5 6:30 – 8 p.m. $13/$23 LAST MINUTE CHRISTMAS SHOPPING – HANES MILL MALL Additional Information: Still looking for just one more gift or wanting to treat yourself to a little something? Join us as we travel to Winston Salem to the mall. Participants will eat lunch on their own in the food court. Minimum: 6 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Sept. 9 – Dec. 2 Ages 21 & over Monday, Dec. 9 Leave Rec. Center at 7 a.m. $10/$20
HOLIDAY HIGH TEA Location: Palisades Restaurant – Eggleston, VA Minimum: 8 Maximum: 16
Additional Information: Get in the festive spirit at the Palisades Restaurant's annual “Holiday High Tea.” Enjoy tasty pastries, scones, cookies and finger sandwiches while sipping on delicious tea. Price includes: transportation, food, tea, taxes and gratuity. Registration Eligibility Date Time FEE Sept. 3 – Dec. 3 Ages 18 and over Tuesday, Dec. 10 Leave the Rec. Center at 12:45 p.m. $23
INSTANT POT COOKING – Instructor: Jennifer Friend Location: Christiansburg Recreation Center – Kitchen
Additional Information: Do you have an Instant Pot or other brand of electronic pressure cooker and are nervous to use it? Or are you thinking about getting one and want to learn more? This class will cover the basics of how to use the Instant Pot, as well as providing ideas of what it can be used for. Several recipes will be demonstrated that you can taste test. Feel free to bring your own Instant Pot with you for hands-on instruction. Minimum: 4 Maximum: 8 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Dec. 2 – Jan. 22 Ages 18 & over Monday, Jan. 27 6:30 – 8 p.m. $13/$23 STEP-BY-STEP HOME BUYERS CLASS - Instructor: Rachel Hogan - Nest Realty Location: Recreation Center - Classroom 1 Additional Information: Join Rachel as she gives you helpful tips to be aware of when purchasing a home. Must Pre-Register. Minimum: 2 Maximum: 15 Registration Eligibility Date Time TR/NR Sept. 3 – Jan. 23 Ages 18 and over Wednesday, Jan. 29 6 - 8 p.m. FREE - Must Pre-Register
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