CHIP Annual Report 2022-2023


Heartfelt gifts In memory of We thank the donors who made special gifts in memory of the following individuals. Their memory lives on in our hearts and through our service to others.

Stewart Baucom Mervin Brower Susan Campbell David Chittum Barney and Mary Feldmann Lynn B. Fuss Ronnie Garvey Jean Glontz

Leigh and Frances Hanes James Mabe William Moles James Murtaugh Barbara Putney Daniel and Belva Stevens John Welfare ChipWoodrum

Special people whose legacy of love now blesses others in need.

In honor of We are truly grateful for the donors who have made special gifts in honor of the following individuals and groups. They brighten our days, lift our spirits, and bring us hope.

Alpha Eta Chapter Brenda Anderson Becky Carter Nalliene Chavez & Robert Brown Sherry Childress Clients of Lou Ellis Wells Fargo Advisors Kathy Cohen

Katrina Goode The Guilfoyles Doctor Hugh Hagan Dr. Albert Hagy, Jr. Robin Haldiman The Hales Johanna Henretta Dr. & Mrs. John Henretta Mrs. Kate Henretta Dr. Hayden Hollingsworth Donny Holloway

Vashist Nobbee, M.D. Pastor & Christine Molly O’Dell Howard Packett Doug & Barbara Pierce Marj & Lucian Robinson Linda Shiner Leigh Powell & Janet Spitzer Kathy & Bruce Stockburger Sally Southard Diane & Art Strickland Amelia Tames Linda Taney Dr. Joseph Tims Linda Vaden Charles VanAllman, Jr. Sandy & Ed Via Dr. Melanie Walter

Dr. Frank Cotter Constance Crites Tasha Cummings Dr. Charles Daniel The Darrs Judy Dickenson Lauren & Austin Eells Diane & Bill Elliot Kathy Finnegan John & Jerrie Frye

Ginny Jarrett Dr. Ishok John

Dr. David Kagey Gina Kempton Lewis Gale Pediatrics Department

Erica & Paul Marer Alison Matthiessen Edwin McGrath Doctor Craig Mitchell

Gerry Fuss, Jr. Julie Ann Fuss Anita Garland Rebecca Garland Mr. & Mrs. Robert Garland Teresa Garland Jim Gear

Darrell & Carolyn Whitt Dr. & Mrs. Jack Williams Dr. Erik Womeldorf Maddy Woods

Pamela Murray Dr. Carl Musser Tammy Nagy, RN Ms. Lewis Nelson

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