CHIP Annual Report 2022-2023


CHIP’s Founder, Dr. Doug Pierce, on the Importance of Home When we started CHIP in 1987, we wanted to create a program that would feel like a big family. In order to do this, we had to develop a home visitation program that would welcome our CHIP workers into our recipients’ homes like family members. The home visitation segment of CHIP has always been the hallmark of our whole program. Much of the success of our CHIP program is due to the love and concern our workers have shown in the homes of our CHIP families. Also, our mission would not have been nearly as successful had it not been for the wonderful generosity of the Roanoke Valley. Barbara and I have recently relocated to an Independent Living apartment. The importance of Home has never been more important to us. Like our CHIP Families have experienced, our “new family of friends” helps to make our new residence a home.

The families we serve see CHIP of Roanoke Valley as “a light that brings hope”.

—MS, CHIP Home Visiting Nurse

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