CHIP Annual Report 2022-2023


Mr. Lucas Snipes Mrs. Lisa Soltis

Sharon Park Parkway Brewing Company Katie Parrish Dr. & Mrs. Steven Pasternak Lakshmi Patel Mr. S. Kime Patsel Denise Payne Brittany Paxton

Sally & Robert Southard Mr. & Mrs. John K. Speas Dr. & Mrs. Bertram and Joanne Spetzler Britni Spurlock St Paul’s Episcopal Church Mr. Daniel Stanley Ms. Angie Stanley Star City Reads Dr. & Mrs. Anthony R. Stavola Sherill Steffan Drs. John W. Steffe & Lee Anne Steffe Mrs. Ann K. Stephens Ms. Lillie Stevens Ms. Kelly Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Bruce Stockburger Dr. Thomas J. Stoecker Tara Stone Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Stover Mr. & Ms. Art Strickland Sabita Sudnagunta Shelia Supan Wendy Swanson Drs. Marc & Cathy Swanson Ms. Jacqueline Talevi Dr. & Mrs. Nelson S. Teague Dr. & Mrs. Daniel S. Temeles Shaye Thomas Matthew Thomas Tim Thompson Mrs. Linda M. Thomsen Mr. David Thornhill Mrs. Linda Thornton Lindsay Thorp Thurman Foundation for Children Testamentary Trust Ms. Anne Tiffany Clay Tingle Thania Torres Peter Tran Ms. Corinth S. Treadway Sandra Trivette Truist Mr. & Mrs. Frank P. Turk Jessica Turner Twisted Track Brewpub Angeline Tye Lisa Uherick UnitedWay of Roanoke Valley UnitedWay of South Hampton Roads Upper Stanley Gary Usleaman Dr. William H. Van Dyke & T. Patricia Gleason Amritha Vipin Virginia Department of Health Virginia Tech Virginia Tech Carilion School of Medicine

Mrs. Nancy C. Robertson Patrick Robertson Robertson Marketing Group John & Sue Ellen Rocovich Kevin Rogers Mrs. Norma S. Ruble

Anuradha Permashwar Sherron Permashwar Nichole Persinger Virginia Pharis Mr. & Mrs. Charles B. Phillips Megan Phillips Ms. Hannah Phillips Hale Physicians to Children Dr. & Mrs. Douglas E. Pierce Leilani Pilar Holly & Rodney Poffenberger POP Goes the Party! Mr. & Mrs. Thomas A. Poulin Mrs. Fay E. Poulin Bora Pov Thida Pov Courtney Powell Kerry Powell Mr. & Mrs. William N. Powell Tabitha Presnell Ms. Marlene Preston Amanda Price Mrs. Gail L. Price John & Loretta Prillaman Mr. & Mrs. Alton B. Prillaman Project Forward Dr. & Mrs. Howard Protinsky Anne Prucha Pure Barre Mr. Jonathan Puvak Mr. & Mrs. Jim and Lolly Quigley Mr. & Mrs. William and Carolyn Rakes Carrie Ramsey Delegate Sam Rasoul Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Reid Mrs. Nancy A. Revercomb Ms. Erica Reynolds John Reynolds Dr. Randall Rhea Ms. Amy Richardson Kelli Richardson Mr. & Mrs. William B. Richardson II City of Roanoke County of Roanoke Roanoke Arts Commission Roanoke Gas Company Roanoke Valley Orthodontics Ms. Kim Roberts Kristofer Rau Larry Reece Chelsea Reed Lane Reed

Mary Beth Ruffing Mrs. Susan B. Ryan Tammy Ryan City of Salem & Salem City Schools Sam and Marion Golden Helping Hand Foundation

Mr. Richard Sanders Ms. Dawn Sandoval Steven Sandy Katrenna Sandy Ann M. Satterwhite Laura Savage

Ms. Vydia Sawh Chrissi Scherer Ms. Andrea Schirmer Second Presbyterian Church Mr. & Mrs. Steven M. Scro Bruce Seavy Janet Shaffer Mr. & Mrs. Patrick N. Shaffner Mrs. Rhonda Shannon Mrs. Gladys H. Shaw Renee Shelor Beverly Shillingburg Sarah Shinault Dr. & Mrs. Philip T. Shiner Ms. Ashley Simpson Kelly Six Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Slemp

Corey Slusher Brandon Smith Mrs. Jackie Smith

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