Brock Hughes 25th Anniversary

Golf Tourney Aids Clinic August 2019

The Jerry Hurt Memorial Golf Tournament, with all proceeds to benefit the Brock Hughes Clinic, was held on Friday August 23, 2019, at the Wytheville Golf Club. Fun was had by all and Steve Lester's bbq was a hit, as always! We were honored to have the accompaniment of Phyllis Hurt, Jerry's wife of 49 years, as well as her 2 sis- ters, Linda Vaught and Jamie Hinkle. The tournament was a huge success due to 24 teams (full tournament), 29 cash sponsors, 16 in-kind sponsors and lots of volunteers. This first-time fundraiser will be an annual event from now on. Here are the Tournament Winners:

1 ST PLACE: Larry Anderson, Sam Boothe, Jerry Ocheltree, Mike Blevins 2 ND PLACE: Chris Palmer, Richard Reece, Scott Dove, Larry Chapman 7 TH PLACE: Bill Spraker, Scott Spraker, Gary Houseman, Jamie King 12 TH PLACE: Jeff Moore, Steven Enfield, Ben Sturgill, Chris Bellinger CLOSEST TO THE PIN: Daryll Fisher, John Jones PUTTING CONTEST: John Harkless



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