Brock Hughes 25th Anniversary
Fundraisers Tourney for Clinic Honors Hurt July 2019
At the time of his death in December, community leader Jerry Hurt of Rural Retreat was planning a golf tournament to benefit the Brock Hughes Med- ical Center. Clinic leaders have named the tournament to honor Hurt. The Jerry Hurt Memorial Golf Tournament will be held Friday, August 23, at the Wytheville Golf Club. The rain date is August 30. “Personally, and as a board and Clinic, we felt this tournament needed to happen” said Stacey Linkous, Executive Director for the Clinic, adding that Hurt was passionate about his work for the center. At the time of his death, he was serving on the board of directors as treasurer and spearheading plans for the tournament to raise funds for the Clinic. Hurt was a stalwart of the community who helped lead the restoration of the Rural Retreat Depot. He contributed time and money to countless organizations and individu- als before his death Dec. 27th. Raised in Rural Retreat, Hurt left the area to
become a successful businessman. He returned to the area after he retired in 2014, and immediately started to volunteer, serving on more than a dozen boards and committees. “I have been blessed in my personal and work life, so it is my honor to return and share my blessings of time, talent and finances to my hometown community and others who may have a special need,” Hurt said in 21016 when he was named Rural Retreat’s Citizen of the Year. Linkous said Hurt led with intelligence and kindness, garnering respect along the way. The entry fee is $260 per team and includes lunch, complimentary alcoholic and nonalcoholic drinks, and green and cart fees. Everyone is welcome to play in the Captain’s Choice tournament: men, women, experienced golf- ers, amateur golfers and non-club members. There are sponsorship levels ranging from $100-$1,000. Registration and a barbecue lunch will be held from 11:30 am to 12:30 pm in the cart shed. Shotgun start at 1 pm. Prizes for Closest to the Pin, 50/50, putting contest, and 1st, 2nd, 7th and 12th places. Teams and sponsors have to pre-reg- ister before Monday August 12. The tournament can take late registrations, but will not be able to recognize sponsors in adverting, t-shirts, banners, etc. Brock Hughes Clinic has been providing medical care to the underserved of Wythe and Bland Counties since 1995. All proceeds from this tournament will stay local. Please contact Stacey Linkous at 276-223-0558 for more details, to register a team for this tournament and/or to be a sponsor of this event.
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