Brock Hughes 25th Anniversary
BROCKHUGHESMEDICAL CENTER began participating as an RxP Affiliate in 2005 and has seen significant benefit for the organization’s patients since that time. As a result of the relationship with RxP, not only do patients have access to free prescription medications that treat a variety of chronic conditions, but the prescriptions can also be filled immediately, avoiding the 2-4 week wait that is common to individual Patient Assistance Programs. BROCK HUGHES MEDICAL CENTER received its certificate of recognition at the Rx Partnership 12th Annual Affiliate Roundtable on October 18, 2017 at the offices of the Medical Society of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. The Roundtable training brings together representatives from free clinics across the state to network with colleagues, trade best practices, and learn about pharmacy regulations and updates in order to best serve patients. Brock Hughes Medical Center was formed in 1995 to meet the healthcare needs of the uninsured, low-income residents of Wythe and Bland Counties. The clinic is named for the late Dr. C. Brock Hughes who was a much-admired member of the medical community. The clinic began operating with only volunteers and now, employs a staff of two full-time Nurse Practitioners and one part-time Nurse Practitioner, a Certified Medical Assistant, a part-time Pharmacist, a Pharmacy Technician, a Medical Receptionist, an Executive Director, and several community volunteers. BHMC provides the community with several quality healthcare services including primary care, ancillary care, prescription medications, health education, nutritional counseling, and specialty referrals. We also serve as a training site for registered nurse, nurse practitioner, and medical assistant students at several colleges and Universities, as well as, a community service site for WCC students who are seeking to fill their tuition waiver obligation. The Clinic currently sits in its fourth and final location; thanks to the generosity of the Wythe-Bland Foundation who purchased the building at 450 West Monroe Street. The Clinic hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., closing for lunch from 1-2. In order to become a patient, a person must be a resident of Wythe or Bland County, without any medical insurance coverage (some exclusions, such as Plan First), and an income level that does not exceed 200% of the poverty level. BHMC does accept and treat both adults and children. Major contributors to Brock Hughes, either directly or through in-kind support, are the Wythe-Bland Foundation, Virginia Association of Free and Charitable Clinics, Virginia Health Care Foundation, our local United Way, Wythe County Community Hospital, Wythe Eye Associates, Dr. Michael Spraker, Dr. Mickey Porter and numerous private donors.
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