Brock Hughes - 25 Years

Brock Hughes Clinic began participating as an RxP partner clinic in 2005 and has seen significant benefit for the organization’s patients since that time. As a result of the relationship with RxP, not only do patients have access to free prescription medications that treat a variety of chronic conditions, but the prescriptions can also be filled immediately, avoiding the 2-4 week wait that is common to individual Patient Assistance Programs. Brock Hughes Clinic received its certificate of recognition at the Rx Partnership 14th Annual Clinic Roundtable on September 25, 2019 at the offices of the Medical Society of Virginia in Richmond, Virginia. The Roundtable Training brings together representatives from free clinics across the state to network with colleagues, trade best practices, and learn about pharmacy regulations and updates in order to best serve patients. Founded in2003, RxPartnership isan innovativepublic-privatepartnershipcreatedto increaseaccess to freeprescription medications for low-income, uninsured Virginians by obtaining donated medication in bulk from pharmaceutical companies and arranging for distribution directly to nonprofit, licensed affiliate pharmacies. Rx Partnership launched a new program in April 2017 called the Access to Medication Program (AMP) to address the current challenges of procuring generic medications for low-income, uninsured patients at clinics without licensed pharmacies. Medications from Rx Partnership are used to treat a variety of chronic conditions, including asthma, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol. To date, Rx Partnership has helped over 70,000 patients receive 781,259 free prescriptions at a retail value of $200 million. For more information, visit Brock Hughes Clinic is located at 450 West Monroe Street in downtown Wytheville. Clinic hours are Monday through Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., closing daily for lunch from 1-2 p.m. The clinic has historically served people who lack health insurance. However, as of January 1, 2019, the Clinic is also serving those with Medicaid coverage. The Clinic is now accepting new patients of all ages, including those who may become insured through Medicaid and those who remain uninsured. Consistent with the mission of the Clinic, no one is turned away due to an inability to pay or a lack of health insurance. Phone the Clinic at 276-223-0558 for more information or to make an appointment. as it is.”



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