Breakfast at the Addys 2019
JUDGE ' S choice gold
“You must get up, rise up and focus — and when somebody
asks where you went to college, you stand tall and say, ‘Emory & Henry,’ in the prosperous, life-giving, music-shaking, soul- quaking, intellect-making hills of Southwest Virginia in Appalachia where America found her voice because unto those hills, through them and over them, came you.”
AdrianaTrigiani,best-selling author, filmdirector, SouthwestVirginianative and co-founderofTheOrigin Project, inher address to the graduating classof 2018.
An Appalachian Campus
Gold Judge's Choice
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Appalachia is a singularplace in theworld.Thisunique,beautifully complex area isourhome; atEmory&Henry,we’redetermined tounderstand and serve itbetter.We carrywithus ahistory and senseofplace that reflects the intricaciesofAmerica: it ismysterious, beautiful and sometimes flawed.Webelieve thatwe canmake a great impacton theworldby starting inourownbackyard.To live among thesehills and in the communities that fold into themdemands that yoube awareof, examine andparticipate in the remarkable implicationsofwhat itmeans to live inAppalachia—indeed,what itmeans to live inAmerica.
Emory & Henry College Viewbook
Company Emory & Henry College Credits
Leah Prater | Director of Marketing Patrick Crawford, Blackletter Principal and Creative Director Cara Cambardella, Blackletter Strategist Jennifer Pearce | Vice President of Marketing and Communications
passionate about serving, education and civic engagement. Onehundredpercent student-focused,our supportive educational and social environment is securedby a strong webof connection amongour campus communities.This is
The academic curriculum atEmory&Henry embodies a responsible and relevant (and award-winning) approach to educating thewholeperson, capable anddrivenby the understandingofhowdeeplyour lives are intertwinedwith one another.This integrationdirectly affects the impactwe From the classroom to themountains, internships to thewinner’spodium,Emory&Henry studentshave the literal and figurative space and support to find college successhere.That success continues after collegewith real results.Our approachworks.Emory&Henry alumni areEmmyAward-winners, federal attorneys, membersof congress, formerVirginia governors,national broadcasters, entertainers and trailblazing educational and healthcare leaders.Ourprograms engage studentswho are mightmake to improveourplaces in theworld.
aplaceofopportunity, compassion and results.
Emory&Henry alumni areEmmyAward–winners, federal attorneys,membersof congress, formerVirginia governors,nationalbroadcasters, entertainers and trailblazing educational andhealthcare leaders.
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