Boys & Girls Clubs of SWVA 2021 Community Impact Report
OUR FOOTPRINT in Southwest Virginia A significant milestone of 2021 was our expansion in service area to Roanoke County and Salem City. In total,
we grew from 7 to 11 club sites , allowing us to reach more youth with our mission and our message. We strive to ensure that young people in Southwest Virginia, especially those who need us most, have what it takes to be the best version of themselves, regardless of their zip code or background.
6 3 1 1 ELEMENTARY SCHOOL CLUB SITES MIDDLE SCHOOL CLUB SITES HIGH SCHOOL CLUB SITE K–12 TH GRADE CLUB SITE $786,000 per year FOR 3 YE ARS Virginia Department of Education 21st Century Grant made this expansion possible
CHRISTIANSBURG: Christiansburg Middle School ELLISTON: Eastern Montgomery Elementary School Eastern Montgomery High School SHAWSVILLE: Shawsville Middle School
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