
Marguerite Floyd Marguerite Floyd holds an MFA from Vermont College and is the author of Everyone’s Daughter, The Parrot Reckonings, The African Brown-Headed Parrot , and Cockatiel Lessons. Amy Dunford Funk Amy Dunford Funk, RN BSN, a native of Ivanhoe, Virginia, is a front- line nurse working on a Covid unit at a regional hospital Tony Douglas Funk Tony Douglas Funk is pastor of True Faith Ministries in Fries, VA. He is an avid bird watcher. Alyssa Fernandez Alyssa Fernandez is a 9 th grader who aspires to write and illustrate books and bring life to characters through animation. Ed Fisher Ed Fisher is a North Tazewell resident and parent of two Bluefield University students who enjoys participating in the arts. Kirsten Gilbert Kirsten Gilbert is a junior theatre student at Bluefield University. She en - joys unanswerable questions, time spent with loved ones, and the obscure Randall Gilmore was a public school teacher and administrator for 29 years before becoming an Assistant Professor of Education at King Uni - versity and the Director of Teacher Education in 2015, where he current- ly serves. Monty Gilmer Monty Gilmer is a freelance writer who lives near Rosedale, Virginia. humor of everyday life. Randall Gilmore

His blog is THE OLD ELWAY READER ( James Grayson

James Grayson is a Secondary English Education major at Bluefield University, as well as an Honor’s student, and an aspiring author. Connie Jordan Green Connie Jordan Green lives on a farm in East Tennessee and write primar- ily poetry now, though I have published novels for young readers as well and for more than 42 years wrote a newspaper column.


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