Bluegrass Weevil Management
Method • Vacuum passes should be 30’ to 50’ in length depending on the size of the area being sampled. • Make linear vacuum passes parallel to overwintering areas or fairway edge, depending on time of season/ location of sampling (Figure 6). • At high throttle, walk slowly backward with vacuum chute and collection basket held flush to the turf surface for the full length of the sampling area. • Drop to idle, remove the vacuum basket, and empty contents via tapping the basket onto a sorting tray (Figure 7). • Sort materials on the tray for ABW adults. • It is best to avoid very wet turf when using this method.
Figure 6. Vacuum pass being taken midway between rough and fairway edge in late May.
Figure 7. Emptying and sorting vacuum basket contents onto sorting tray. Inset shows an adult ABW moving through the collected leaf litter.
Diagnosis and Decision Making for Sustainable Annual Bluegrass Weevil Management
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