Best Management Practices for Maryland Golf Courses
• A comprehensive management plan should include strategies to control the growth of nuisance vegetation that can negatively affect a pond's water quality and treatment capacity. • Frequently remove filamentous algae by hand and/or frequently apply algaecide to small areas of algae (spot treatment). The use of algaecides requires a permit from MDE and must be applied by a licensed applicator. • To reduce the risk of oxygen depletion, use an algaecide containing hydrogen peroxide instead of one with copper or endothall. • To control excessive aquatic plant growth, mechanical methods can be used that include the placement of barriers such as plastic mesh to block sunlight penetration into the pond, and physically pulling, raking, and cutting weeds. • Aquatic herbicides, if used to control excessive aquatic plant growth, require a permit from MDE. • Do not use grass carp to control aquatic plants, as this fish is not legal in Maryland.
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