Best Management Practices for Maryland Golf Courses
Best Management Practices
Design stormwater treatment trains.
• Install berms and vegetated swales to capture pollutants and sediments from runoff before it enters irrigation storage ponds or other surface waters. • Implement no- or low-maintenance vegetated buffer strips around surface waters. • Utilize vegetated filter strips in conjunction with water filtration basins. • Eliminate or minimize directly connected impervious areas. • Use depressed landscape islands in parking lots to catch and filter water and allow for infiltration. When hard rains occur, an elevated stormwater drain inlet allows the island to hold the treatment volume and settle out sediment, while allowing the overflow to drain away. • When possible, maximize the use of pervious pavements, such as brick or concrete pavers separated by sand and planted.
Figure 16. Stream buffers act as natural biofilters that protect surface water quality, such as the vegetated buffers at Poolesville Golf Course. Photo credit: Jon Lobenstine.
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