Best Management Practices for Maryland Golf Courses
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Otterbine Barebo, Inc. 2003. Pond and lake management. 3840 Main Road East, Emmaus, PA 20 18049. Available: 21
Peterson, A. 2000. Protocols for an IPM system on golf courses. University of Massachusetts 22 Extension Turf Program. 23
Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection, LandStudies, Inc., The Pennsylvania 24 Environmental Council. Golf Course Water Resources Handbook of Best Management Practices. 25 June 2009. Available: 26 Handbook-of-Best-Management-Practices.pdf 27
Pettinger, N.A. 1935. Useful chart for teaching the relation of soil reaction to availability of plant 28 nutrients to crops. Virginia Agri. Ext. Bul. 136, 1-19. 29
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