Best Management Practices for Maryland Golf Courses
Dean, T.W., O.N. Nesheim, and F. Fishel. Revised May 2005. Pesticide container rinsing. PI-3. 1 Gainesville, Florida: Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of Florida. 2 Available: 3 Delaware Nutrient Management Commission. 2006. Water Quality Best Management Practices: 4 Nutrients, Irrigation and Pesticides for Golf Course, Athletic Turf, Lawn Care and Landscape 5 Industries. Available: 6
Dodson, R.G. 2000. Managing wildlife habitat on golf courses. Sleeping Bear Press. Chelsea, 7 MI. 8
Elliott, M.L., and G.W. Simone. July 1991; revised April 2001. Turfgrass disease management. 9 SS-PLP-14. Gainesville, Florida: Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, University of 10 Florida. Available: 11
Fishel, F.M. March 2005. Interpreting pesticide label wording. Gainesville, Florida: Institute of 12 Food and Agricultural Sciences. Available: 13
Fishel, F.M., and Nesheim, O.N. November 2006. Pesticide safety. FS11. Gainesville, Florida: 14 Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences. Available: 15 16 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. n.d. Pesticide recordkeeping— 17 benefits and requirements. Available: 18 19 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. Division of Agricultural 20 Environmental Services. Suggested pesticide recordkeeping form. Available: 21 22 ecordkeeping%20Form.pdf 23 Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services and Florida Department of 26 Environmental Protection. 1998. Best management practices for agrichemical handling and farm 27 equipment maintenance. Available: 28 29 Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2008. Florida stormwater, erosion, and 30 sedimentation control inspector’s manual. Tallahassee, Florida: Nonpoint Source Management 31 Section, MS 3570, 3900 Commonwealth Blvd.., Tallahassee, Florida 32399-3000. Available: 32 33 ———. Division of Agricultural Environmental Services. Suggested pesticide recordkeeping 24 form for organo-auxin herbicides. Available: 25
———. December 27, 2002. Environmental risks from use of organic arsenical herbicides at 34 south Florida golf courses. FDEP white paper. Available: 35
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