Beginners Guide to Model-Based Systems Engineering


The Testing Problem

• The systems that we develop are usually dynamic; thus, the system specification should be dynamically consistent/executable at the system level • Can it be achieved by confirming that the individual subsystems are executable? • No – modern control theory shows that executable subsystems do not provide an executable system • Can we use simulation of the design? • Yes – but common dynamic verification simulators are not exact representations of the system being specified • If not executable, what happens? • Achievement of dynamic consistency is left to integration and test teams, or • The system fails to meet dynamic needs


How Do We Classically Approach This?

• Give the simulation team a copy of preliminary system specification • They interpret it and build the simulator • If the delivered simulator results seem reasonable, it is accepted • Problem? • We dynamically verified a system that is different than specified. It is actually the test team’s interpretation of the system specification. • Integration and test team must finish the systems engineering by plugging gaps



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