Beginners Guide to Model-Based Systems Engineering
Key Semantics of Requirements Diagrams
reqAcceptRequests fromCertifiedCustomers
• Nodes represent objects
AcceptMedia of Requests
The systemshallaccept requests via any of the followingmedia: 1) Hardcopy Forms; 2)Verbal; 3)Phone-verbal; 4) Phone-electronic file; 5) Web-based electronic file.
• Type, name, and description standard
• Lines represent relationships •
The systemshallaccept information requests.
< AcceptRequests < Verify:The systemshall accept intelligence data collection requests fromthe certifiedusers. < < < For validated customer certification, the system shall format the customer's request into a common form for subsequent systemuse. Rejected requests shallbe returned to the customer and rejectionmetrics prepared. < < ValidateCertifiedCustomers The systemshallvalidate the customer's certification to order imagery products. < The systemshallprepare the customer's certification disapprovalnotification. The certificationdisapproval notification shall include the customer's order identifier, the customer's identifier and the reason for the certificationdisapproval. < Additional information available in Chapter 13 of A Practical Guide to SysML 67 reqAcceptRequests fromCertifiedCustomers < < < The systemshallaccept requests via hardcopy forms. Mapping Requirements Diagrams AcceptMedia of Requests < AcceptRequests The systemshallaccept requests via any of the followingmedia: 1) Hardcopy Forms; 2)Verbal; 3)Phone-verbal; 4) Phone-electronic file; 5) Web-based electronic file. < The systemshallaccept information requests. < Media of Requests:Verbal < The systemshallaccept verbal requests. < < For validated customer certification, the system shall format the customer's request into a common form for subsequent systemuse. Rejected requests shallbe returned to the customer and rejectionmetrics prepared. < < The systemshallaccept requests via telephone. elicits Requirement Use Case < elaboratedby < < ValidateCertifiedCustomers < The systemshallvalidate the customer's certification to order imagery products. < The systemshallaccept requests via telephonic electronic file. refinedby basedon / specifiedby verifiedby specifiedby includes/ extends/ kindof The systemshallprepare the customer's certification disapprovalnotification. The certificationdisapproval notification shall include the customer's order identifier, the customer's identifier and the reason for the certificationdisapproval. < < < Verification Requirement The systemshallaccept requests via via aWeb service. verifiedby fulfilledby involves/ describes executedby Verification Event Resource employs includes Test Configuration Test Activity captures/ consumes/ produces formedby Test Procedure decomposedby Component Function performs Level of Detail: Medium Audience: System/software engineers Content: Names, relationships, and descriptions Use: Limited (toy representation); context for limited set of requirements incorporates exhibits exitsby built from / kindof exposes decomposedby joined to State enters exitedby inputs/ outputs/ triggeredby Exit Interface Port decomposedby includes comprisedof Event Transition responsible for connectsto triggeredby Link Item transfers includes decomposedby constrains/ usesparameter from generates results in causes assignedto Organization Constraint Definition Concern Risk 68 34
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