BHS Inkwell 2017-2018

Spring is On Her Way By Crista Ramsey

I step outside and start walking.The cool misty air brushes my face as I move along the trail and my toes become damp with morning dew. I look out into the field to my right where horses graze on the crisp green grass. Beyond that, the fog settles on the mountains. I continue walking towards the woods; the once bare branches have begun to bud, newborn leaves making their way into the world. In the treetops a robin sings its cheerful tune. Upon closer inspection of the trees, I see a small fly cleaning its feet on the smallest branches of a rickety dead pine. I look down at my feet and see tiny mounds of dirt as ants have reformed their hills in newly thawed ground.The tiny insects are deep in the ground now, but as the day warms up, they’ll surely greet the sun and bask in his warmth. The shadow of a Carolina Wren passes over the ground as she lands on a branch, a piece of hay clasped in her beak. She proceeds to weave the hay into the remains of her old nest, a refuge for her later offspring. The crunching of dead leaves sounds behind me, and I turn around to see my friend heading towards me. “There you are! Let’s go,” my friend says. I nod, and walk back inside with the knowledge that spring is finally on her way.

Luke Redifer


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