MATH PLACEMENT Students entering Bluefield College without prior college math credit will be placed into the appropriate introductory courses based on the Mathematics Department guidelines discussed below. For students not majoring in mathematics, an initial placement will be generated based on the best available subscore on the math section of the SAT or ACT as documented on the student’s high school transcript or official SAT/ACT score report, according to the table shown below. Those without an SAT or ACT score taken with the last 5 years will be required to take the ACCUPLACER Placement Test to determine their placement.
Math Section Subscore
500 or higher
MAT 1213 or 1233
MAT 0123 MAT 0113 MAT 0123 MAT 0113
420 or lower 22 or higher
MAT 1213 or 1233
18 or lower
This policy applies to all students not majoring in mathematics unless they meet one of the following exceptions. • Successful completion of a transferable college-level math course from a regionally accredited institution as documented on an official transcript. This exception applies regardless of the how old the credit is and supersedes the SAT/ACT score placement criteria above. Any student for whom this applies is free to take any additional math course for which they have the prerequisite(s). • Appropriate score on an Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), DSST or CLEP exam in an appropriate mathematics subject as documented by official test score or official transcript. Obtaining an appropriate score will earn the student college math credit and the student will be free to take any additional math course for which they have the prerequisite(s). • Appropriate score on an ACCUPLACER Elementary Algebra exam with the last three years as documented by an official score report sent from the school where the test was taken. A student meeting this exception will be able to take MAT 1213 (College Algebra I) or MAT 1233 (Mathematics of Finance). • Successful completion ofMTH60 or 70, orMTE 9 in theVirginia Community College System within the last years, as documented by official transcript. Consideration will be given to similar courses from other community colleges on a case-by-case basis, reviewed by the Mathematics Department and subject to the same conditions. A student meeting this exception will be able to take MAT 1213 or 1233. No transfer credit will be awarded for courses that do not carry college credit. Students not meeting one of these exceptions who wish to place out of MAT 0123 (Foundation of Algebra) or MAT 0113 (Fundamental Concepts in Mathematics) are encouraged to take the ACCUPLACER Placement Test with the Mathematics Department and attempt to obtain the minimum required score. Unsuccessful attempts will NOT result in a student losing their current placement.
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