Annual Report

FOCUSING ON THE MISSION, NOT THE STRESS Bauers-Wall Foundation Transitions to the CFNRV

Kamala Bauers and Jack Wall are well known in Floyd County. Their business ventures - the Hotel Floyd, the Floyd EcoVillage, and the 100% employee-owned Wall Residences, have been fixtures in the county for many years. But they are just as admired for their work with multiple nonprofit organizations, both as volunteers and as financial supporters. They created the Bauers-Wall

Foundation - a private, family foundation - about nine years ago as a way to support Floyd nonprofits and to instill in their adult children the importance of giving back to the community. “We began our business interests in Floyd County and have benefited from all Floyd County has to offer – we are blessed by the beauty of the place and its people. We are highly committed to Floyd County and wish for the community to benefit from these funds, long after we’re gone.” The Bauers-Wall Foundation supports the mission of several Floyd County nonprofits working in areas such as education, food access, and community development. While the family believes deeply in the work of all the agencies they support, they are particularly proud of their impact through The Partnership for Floyd. “This organization is supported by a small group of committed members who are really making a difference on a shoe string budget. This organization has been responsible for applying for historical designation for a portion of the town of Floyd, assisting with a CDBG (Community Development Block Grant) application, writing a planning grant for new sidewalks, building a community stage at the town park, and building several trails. The existence of this organization, which quietly gets a lot done, has changed the quality of life for the residents of Floyd County and many don’t even know it exists! The Bauers- Wall Foundation has made a small grant to this effective organization annually.” Jack, Kamala, and their children have enjoyed seeing the direct impact of their giving, but completing all of the compliance paperwork to maintain their family foundation proved cumbersome and took focus away from their mission. Kamala was familiar with the Community Foundation from her early days with Head Start, “I first learned of the CFNRV through Andy Morikawa (Executive Director of the CFNRV from 1997- 2010). I was a family service worker for Head Start when Andy was then the Director of New River Community Action – I watched his career fairly closely, as he is an inspiring person. I also had the opportunity to apply for

Jack Wall and Kamala Bauers recently converted the Bauers- Wall Foundation, a private family foundation, to a donor advised fund at the CFNRV.



Photo courtesy of Jack Wall and Kamala Bauers

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