Annual Report 2023 2024
2023-2024 Education Outreach
Small Farm Spring Forum
Environmental Education Outreach Nearly 1,800 K-12 students and
The Blue Ridge SWCD partnered with Virgin ia Cooperative Extension, NRCS and Virginia State University to host the Small Farm Spring Forum. A variety of professionals, from farmers to state agencies, met to match agricultural interest with service provid ing agencies by implementing the “whole farm ap proach” incorporating requirements and “how to’s”. This event was held at the Lazy Acres Angus in Rocky Mount, VA. With approximately 35 attendees, producers provided testimonials about their experiences with SWCD programs and how participation in the VACS program has benefited their operations. Special guests speakers included Kevin Keith (VDOF), Cassidy Dillon (NRCS), the Martins (HC), Abby Pierson (DCR), Summer Pate (New Dawn Acres), Brent Noell (VSU), Daniel Austin (Green Sprig Ag), Cynthia Martel (VCE), Trey Washburn (FSA) Michael Tabor (Sr. Conservation Specialist), Sam Chappell (Conservation Technician) and Kathy Smith (Program Manager/Education Coordinator). This event was publicized via the district’s website, a post card mailer that was sent to local beef and dairy farmers and posted on the Blue Ridge SWCD & VCE’s Facebook pages. Funding for this Small Farm Fall Forum came from a variety of sources, namely: DCR, local county governments, corporate sponsorships, donations (for door prize drawings) and from federal and state grants.
adults participated in a wide variety of envi ronmental education outreach activities throughout this fiscal year. A list of activi ties include: Dirt Babies, Food for America Day, 4- H School Gardening Project (“See Them Sprout”), Rain Barrel Workshops, A
Day in the Woods at Waid Recreation Complex, Tumbler-style Compost Work shop, Conservation Tic-Tac-Toe, Mean ingful Watershed Environmental Educa tion at Benjamin Franklin Middle School just to name a few. Do you need assistance planning your classroom activi ties? Here is a list of just some of the S.O.L. based classroom ac tivities the Blue Ridge Soil & Water Conservation District has to offer: Enviroscape (a model of a community watershed identifying point and nonpoint source pollution), Ground Water Model (interactive classroom tool that is designed to show the flow of 2023 BFMS MWEE at Powder Mill Creek
water and toxins through differing gra dients), Benthic Bugs & Bioassessment where students sample water from buckets equipped with beads and other various office supplies representing macroinvertebrates. This simulated watershed activity prepares students for real life water quality observations cov ering Science and Math for Middle School students. Nearly all activities are free of charge. “To - Go Kits” can be checked out or classroom visits can be sched uled.
2023 Day In The Woods
If you wish to assist our district by conserving paper, send us an e-mail requesting current newsletters, Annual Reports and flyers be sent to you via e-mail replacing the mailing of a hard copy. Please send E-mail inquiries to:
Mission Statement : “The Mission of the Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District is to promote Conservation of our natural Resources.”
Vision Statement: “The Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District, as an elected autonomous body, will strive to coordi nate the natural resource interests to achieve our mission by educating and providing technical assistance to the citizens withi n.”
District Staff B. Renee Fulcher , Admin. Financial Assistant
Board of Directors
Roger B. Holnback , Chairman, Roanoke Co.
Byron Brooks, Director-At-Large, Franklin Co.
Kathy B. Smith , Program Manager/Edu. Coordinator and FOIA Officer (person to whom the public can direct requests for public records in compliance with the provisions of §2.2-3704.2C)
J. Hubert Bowman , Vice Chairman, Franklin Co.
Freeda Cathcart, City of Roanoke
Nicholas H Beasley, (Treasurer), Roanoke Co.
Daphne W. Jamison, Franklin Co.
R. Darryl Holland, (Secretary), Henry Co.
Cynthia Martel, VCE-Franklin Co.
Michael L. Tabor , Sr. Conservation Specialist Samuel A. Chappell , Conservation Technician.
Andrew Barker, Henry Co.
Summer Pate, Associate Director
Sarah Baumgardner, City of Roanoke
Tanya Young, Associate Director
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Blue Ridge Soil and Water Conservation District
Volume 36, Issue 1
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