Annual Report 2020-2021
Executive Director’s Message
Every year there are Ruritan Clubs serving communities, it is a good year. That has been the beginning of my address to the delegates since the first one in 2006. It is still true. What you do across this country makes a difference to those in need every day. I am so proud of our clubs and the service you provide. Unfortunately, we have less clubs and members than we had in 2006. We still do an enormous amount of good. We should continue to be proud of our accomplishments. The statistics for the last fiscal period are not encouraging as we have lost 1225 members and seventeen clubs. However, we have done amazing things in a time when the world
was standing still. Our clubs stood up and made a way to help during the pandemic and kept the business of helping people alive and well. I said in one of my magazine articles this year that I was amazed but not surprised by what you have accomplished during the pandemic. I am not surprised because that is who we are as an organization. We help even when it is not easy. The focus we all must adopt now is to grow Ruritan. There is nothing more critical to us in 2022 and going forward. Our future depends on it. Please make a serious review of the statistics and the financials included in this report. We need your help now more than ever to make sure we are a force for community service into the future. This will be my last report to you as Executive Director. I am retiring March 12. The work has been rewarding and I have made lifelong friends. I have always felt proud to be a part of the machinery that touches thousands of lives with service and help most every day of every year. To be a part of your generosity to others has been very gratifying. I appreciate all of you entrusting me with this meaningful work. I leave you in the hands of a committed, hardworking staff that not only work for Ruritan but are good Ruritan Club members as well. They lift me up every day. They make the work easier and more pleasant. They carry the load with grace under pressure. I will miss them the most. Godspeed.
National Treasurer’s Report
Ruritan National had a successful financial year despite all our challenges. I personally want to thank the clubs who continued to pay dues in a timely manner. The business model of a nonprofit depends on dues income. This is an area that I have been focusing on as your treasurer. The amount still due to be collected from clubs at the end of the fiscal year was $92,000. I am working on reducing that amount. Not only were collections slow, but billed income fell short of budget by $84,000 from loss of membership.
The good news is that we were able to overcome a planned $51,000 budget deficit and end the year in the black by $11,000. This is contributed to furloughing the staff for the first time in Ruritan history, the National Board of Directors reducing travel, and the cancellation of the National Convention. Thank you to everyone who sacrificed to make this possible.
Ruritan National 2021 Annual Report
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