Annual Report 2020-2021

Ruritan National Foundation

President: Brent Wheeler Vice President: O.H. Bobbitt, III Secretary: Graham Bryant Treasurer: Phillip Bradshaw Promotion Chair: Clinton Guy Cox

Tom Downing Fellows 10/1/2020 - 9/30/2021

Tom Downing Fund honors the co-founder of Ruritan who formed numerous clubs and served as National Secretary for many years. The Fund is the largest unrestricted endowment fund with the Foundation with over $1,000,000 principal. It provides earnings that support unrestricted obligations and Build Your Dollar general scholarships. Alford, James O. Bowen, B A

Lizer, Joe Marsh, Cheryl McCormick, Bessie O’Keeffe, William Olinger, Gary Paris, Rebecca Phillips, Perry Poulton, Donna Jo Racey, Debbie Reeves, Kenneth Shepherd, Sr, Harry Wingfield Louthan Silverman, Barbara Smalley, Tim Smith Jr., Lazarus Stump, David

Thompson, Steve Tomlinson, Lee Turner, Dennis Walker, Wilbur C. Wallen, Brenda K. Williford, Terry L.

Bryant, Paula Collins, Susan Farrar, Betty Farrar, Charles Fritz, Stephen M. Gemeny, Sue Goodwin, John Hood, William Hooker, Nancy Howard, Sammie Jackson, Michael Jordan, Burgess Ladrach, John Lafon, Arnold L.


Ruritan National 2021 Annual Report

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