Annual Report 2018-19

Message from Board of Directors Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other. The Promise of Community Action  National Community Action Partnership National and local economic indicators reflect an improving economy, but not all citizens are experiencing the rewards. The Promise of Community Action reflects our commitment to alleviating poverty and improving the well-being of our area’s vulnerable low-income residents. New River Community Action made a difference in the lives of 9,015 low-income

John McEnhill Chairman Board of Directors

Terry Smusz Chief Executive Officer

individuals during 2018-19, in partnership with numerous volunteers, grantors, donors and other local human service agencies. We offered help and hope through services that meet basic needs, impact school readiness, strengthen families, and promote economic stability. NRCA extended a helping hand, served as a catalyst for opportunity, and a voice of advocacy. Staff from the Virginia Department of Social Services Office of Volunteerism and Community Service (OVCS), the state office overseeing Virginia’s Community Action Agencies, conducted a monitoring visit during spring 2019 to review NRCA operations. OVCS staff found NRCA to be in full compliance in all areas of the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) Organizational Standards: governing board, needs assessment, administration and general operations, human resources management, program administration, and financial management. OVCS staff sited NRCA’s Board Annual Work Plan and Strategic Planning monitoring tool as “best practices” procedures. NRCA celebrated the accomplishments of Tamara Slife, NRCA Children’s Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP) Floyd County Family Educator. Tamara was honored with the 2019 Expanding Horizons Award presented by Early Impact Virginia , the state’s home visiting consortium. Tamara received the award in recognition of her outstanding and dedicated work providing high quality home visiting services to improve the health, social and educational outcomes for new and expecting parents, young children and their families. In presenting the award, Laurel Aparicio, Director of Early Impact Virginia, stated, “It’s clear that Tamara Slife has a sincere and deep commitment to helping families raise healthy children through education and skill sharing. Families served by CHIP of New River Valley have a special resource in Tamara.” During the 2018-19 program year, staff began the implementation phase of NRCA’s new three-year Strategic Plan. Focus areas for the first year of the Plan included strengthening collaborations and partnerships and enhancing NRCA’s role as advocates for the low-income families. Endeavors over the next two years will include equipping staff for high-quality client engagement and launching a social enterprise. We appreciate the dedication and service provided by our volunteers, staff, Board of Directors and advisory group members. Additionally, we are grateful to our federal, state, and local governments, United Way of the NRV, foundations, businesses, faith-based and civic organizations, and citizens that have supported The Promise Community Action in New River Valley. Thank you for your confidence in NRCA and our programs.


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