Annual Report 2018-19
“ 32 received credential and 23 obtained employment through SwiftStart ”
Career Mentors helped 50 participants complete orientation and enter training to begin the journey to a brighter future!
SWIFTStart is funded by a grant awarded to the Roanoke and New River Valleys by the Department of Labor. New River Community Action (NRCA) and Total Action for Progress (TAP) have partnered to target a large service area, positively impacting a sizable population. Using career pathway development with short-term and credential-focused training, SWIFTStart helps participants qualify for employment in the specific workforce fields of Advanced Manufacturing, Health Care, and Information Technology. SWIFTStart serves the NRCA jurisdictions of Floyd, Giles, Montgomery and Pulaski Counties, and Radford City. One full-time and one part-time Career Mentors cover all five jurisdictions. SWIFTStart collaborates with NRCA programs as well as other programs in our service area. NRCA Head Start and TAP Early Head Start parents receive priority in the referral process. Other SWIFTStart referral sources include the NRCA Children’s Health Improvement Partnership (CHIP), Department of Social Services, Women’s Resource Center, Workforce Development, Goodwill, Good Care, Health Department, and local churches. Referral sources are continually increasing due to efforts by Career Mentors to collaborate and network with other local programs. Effective partnerships utilize one another’s expertise to decrease participants’ barriers without overlapping services.
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