Annual Report 2018-19
In a joint community service project, the NRCA Christiansburg Head Start facility received a face- lift from the Christiansburg Lowe’s Heroes Program and the Kiwanis Club of Christiansburg. Interior improvements included all new lighting and ceiling fans throughout the facility, new cabinetry enclosing a counseling area, and modern sinks in the restrooms. Exterior improvements included a beautiful new bench on the playground, removal of a dead tree, and the conversion of a courtyard into an outdoor classroom. Both the Kiwanis Club of Christiansburg and the Christiansburg Lowe’s, through the Lowe’s Heroes Program, made donations to the service project. Fourteen Lowe’s Heroes and ten members of the Kiwanis Club contributed three hundred sixty-six volunteer hours. The project leader, Christiansburg Lowe’s Store Manager Joe Sirico, volunteered an estimated seventy hours to the success
of the project. (Notable contributions also include both work and materials contributed by Elmore and Sons Top Soil and Landscaping.) The involvement of volunteers,donors, and the community are essential for the success of NRCA Head Start!
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