Annual Report 2018-19
“ I’m a parent that has three children in the Floyd County Public School System, I have two in elementary school and one in high school. Me and my husband are both currently employed, but we barely earn enough to pay our bills and expenses each month. The food from the program is a great help to our grocery budget each week. We both work on weekends, so the food that the Floyd Back Pack Program provides for my children feeds them in the morning when we are at work. The oatmeal and the Capri Sun drinks are a couple of their favor things they receive and enjoy eating. We greatly appreciate all that the program does for our family, knowing that Floyd County Schools cares and helps families like my family means so much. ”
BLACKSBURG INTERFAITH FOOD PANTRY The Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry is a joint ministry of over twenty-five Blacksburg-area faith-based congregations, with local individuals, businesses, and civic organizations providing additional contributions. Operated with the support of over 200 dedicated volunteers, the Blacksburg Interfaith Food Pantry offers food once a month to Blacksburg and McCoy low- income residents and transients experiencing financial crises. During the 2018-19 program year, volunteers assisted 438 unduplicated individuals.
FLOYD COUNTY BACKPACK PROGRAM NRCA’s Floyd County BackPack Program provides lower-income students with supplemental food on the weekends. Program volunteers purchase, pack, and distributed child-friendly food weekly during the school year through Floyd County schools and the NRCA Head Start program. Funding for the program is provided by private donors, the New River Valley Health Foundation, and the Empty Bowls fundraising event.
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