Annual Report 2016-17
C ommunity Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other.
The Promise of Community Action
Message from Board of Directors Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
New River Community Action is proud to present our Annual Report highlighting agency accomplishments during the 2016-2017 program year. In partnership with community groups, grantors, and donors, NRCA provided hope and help to 11,977 local individuals through services that meet basic needs, strengthen families, and promote economic stability. In 2016-2017 we added a new program - SwiftStart - made possible through collaboration with Total Action for Progress (TAP), our Community Action neighbor in Roanoke. Designed with a “whole family” approach, SwiftStart offers education and job training services to parents with children ages 13 and younger. The program uses a two-generation model, helping parents pursue training leading to middle and high- skilled, full-time employment while assisting with child care for their children. Further expanding our two-generation focus, NRCA developed a new partnership with New River Community College, establishing the Head Start Early Learning Center (ELC) on the Dublin campus. A valuable resource for parents working or taking classes at the college, the ELC served 18 children and their families during 2016-2017. NRCA also developed a new partnership with Radford City Public Schools, creating a Head Start/Virginia Preschool Initiative braided classroom at McHarg Elementary School. Through these and other programs described in this Annual Report, we carry forward our mission only with the assistance of our dedicated staff and many volunteers and supporters. They include members of our hardworking Board of Directors, advisory boards and councils, federal, state and local governments, foundations, United Way and our donors. Your support is vital, and we thank you.
John McEnhill Chairman Board of Directors
Ms. Terry Smusz Chief Executive Officer
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