Annual Report 2016-17
VIRGINIA CARES (Community Action Re-Entry System)
NRCA’s Virginia CARES program provided 45 pre-releases and 173 newly released ex- offenders with assistance and support to promote successful transition from prison or jail to the community. A sub-contractor of Virginia CARES, Inc. , NRCA’s Virginia CARES program is a community- based effort to assist individuals coming out of jail or prison. Services include emergency aid (food, clothing, shelter, and transportation), job readiness instruction, employment search, life- skills education and support groups. Through linkages with community resources, Virginia CARES provides opportunities for ex-offenders to become self-reliant, law-abiding and taxpaying members of society. The program reduces recidivism by helping formerly-incarcerated individuals obtain the skills and support they need to reintegrate into their home communities.
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHTS: During 2016-2017, Virginia CARES staff and volunteers de- veloped the FAST (Facilitating A Successful Transition) project in the Montgomery County Jail. Employees and volunteers visited the jail monthly and met with offenders who were within six months of being released. These sessions introduced the offenders to the Virginia CARES pro- gram staff and identified the specific needs each would likely experience upon release. Staff and volunteers developed an individualized case management plan for each offender and provided information on services and employment opportunities to access after release. Virginia CARES has recently expanded pre-release activities to include providing services in the New River Valley Regional Jail once a week for 12-week periods. Staff along with volunteers are facilitating weekly groups that address various topics as requested by the offenders including job readiness, parenting, and budgeting. Virginia CARES provides more intensive services for those most at-risk of returning to prison or jail. Gary V. came to the Virginia CARES program via a referral from NRCA’s To Our House men’s shelter. Gary was homeless and feeling hopeless. The Virginia CARES Employment Specialist, Nikki Powell, assisted Gary in preparing for his job search by offering job readiness classes and help to find employment opportunities. Once Gary had completed the job readiness portion of his program, Virginia CARES staff arranged an interview with one of the program’s local employers. Gary did a fantastic job in his interview and received a job offer on the spot. He started working in March 2017 and soon after obtained permanent housing. Gary has continued to set new goals for himself, including completion of his GED. Shannon Lowery, NRCA Virginia CARES Case Manager, prepares for a FAST (Facilitating A Successful Transition) presentation.
“After finding myself homeless and feeling overwhelmed, the Virginia CARES program helped me find my way. At my age, I felt hopeless and wondered if I would ever be able to get my life on track. The staff provided me with the support, skills, and encouragement I needed to achieve my goals.” - Gary V.
Gary V., with NRCA Virginia CARES Employment Specialist, Nikki Powell.
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