Annual Report 2016-17
AMERICORPS PROGRAM The NRCA AmeriCorps Prgram members provided 6,654 hours of service
AmeriCorps is a federal program that networks with non-profit organizations, public agencies, and faith-based groups. Initiated through the National and Community Service Trust Act of 1993, the program enrolls over 80,000 individuals nationwide each year. AmeriCorps State and National Programs engage thousands of Americans in intensive service, addressing unmet community needs in areas of education, public safety, health, and the environment. AmeriCorps members are our community heroes! The NRCA AmeriCorps program enrolled eleven members during the 2016-17 service year. Members completed a total of 6,654 hours in the following programs: To Our House thermal homeless shelter, Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA), Homeless and Housing Programs, and Emergency Assistance Programs. Service activities included financial literacy sessions, renter education workshops, free tax preparation, and provision of overnight shelter and meals for homeless men.
PROGRAM HIGHLIGHT: Mahatma Gandhi once said, “ The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others .” That is what our outstanding group of AmeriCorps members has accomplished this year.
Three members supported the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program both preparing and reviewing taxes. They became trained at the advanced level and assisted over 900 New River Valley residents to access over $1,000,000 in tax refunds. These members received thanks for their service (providing free tax return assistance) from many filers, as they could not afford to pay someone for this service. In addition to being involved in the VITA program, members participated in monthly service projects. For one such project, our members packaged over 10,000 meals (along with other community volunteers) to send overseas. Other projects, such as the 9/11 Cleanup Day at Claytor Lake, organizing the Pulaski Baby Store and working in the Plenty! Community Garden, allowed AmeriCorps members to give directly back to their communities.
AmeriCorps members and Coordinator working in the Plenty! garden in Floyd County. L to R: Kam Johnson, Cassie Linkous, Coordinator Laura Murphy, Hayleigh Bostic.
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