Annual Convention 2022
Announcements • Prayer Chapel & Prayer Requests : The Diocesan Chapter of the Daughters of the King invite you to visit the Convention Prayer Chapel in the Buck Mountain Room. The chapel is open to individuals that desire a silent and contemplative place to pray. Seating in the chapel is spaced for social distancing. Prayer requests may be made at any time online using the following online prayer card: • Registration: In-person registration including paying for meals continues at the hotel until 1:00 p.m. on Friday, January 28, 2021. To register, please visit see the check-in table in the Crystal Court lobby. If you need assistance, you may also email Elizabeth Monti at • In-Person Business Sessions for Delegates: All formal business proceedings of this year’s Convention will take place in-person . The in-person meeting format means delegates who desire to exercise voice and vote during business sessions must be present in-person in the Roanoke Ballroom at the Hotel Roanoke. All registered and certified clergy delegates may participate in business sessions. To be certified, delegate must check-in with the Convention Registrar, Kristen Hester. • Delegate Check-In and Certification: After registering in advance online, delegates must be certified by the Convention Registrar Kristen Hester at Convention Check-In. Once certified, you become a “live” delegate and can begin to participate in formal business sessions. If certified, you may also vote in elections for offices such as Standing Committee and Disciplinary Board. You may check-in and get certified with Kristen in one of two ways: 1. You may check-in at the hotel in-person, OR 2. You may check-in via the Zoom Check-In at the following link: (312) 626-6799 US (Chicago), Meeting ID: 832 9590 6041, Passcode: 624114 If you have check-in or certification questions, please email Kristen at • Voting Electronically for Elected Offices: This year, elections for offices such as Standing Committee and Disciplinary Board will be facilitated by electronic ballot. You must be a registered and certified delegate to vote. At designated polling times, electronic ballots will be emailed to all certified delegates. If you are a delegate and it appears for any reason that you did not receive a ballot by email, please check your SPAM or Promotions folders to make sure ballot emails were not accidentally filtered by your email provider. If you check these folders and still have issues, please email Kristen Hester. • Watching Convention Online: All delegates at home, alternates, and visitors may watch the proceeding of business sessions, Saturday’s morning program, and worship services online via livestream on the diocesan YouTube Channel at • Orientation for All Delegates: An orientation for all delegates will be held at the beginning of business on Friday, January 29 at 1:15 p.m. Chancellor Loftis and Canon Furlow will review both the procedural and technical aspects of how to participate in Convention this year. • Substitutions of Alternates: Lay alternates who are listed on each parish’s Certificate of Election may serve as a substitute for a delegate if their rector (or in the absence of a rector, a senior warden) formally certifies the substitution with Convention Registrar Kristen Hester. Kristen will be available at Delegate Check-In as listed above. Or, rectors or wardens may email Kristen with certification changes in regard to delegate-alternate substitutions at
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