American Rescue Plan
Project Evaluation Process
ARPA Project Evaluation Criteria and Scoring Process
The project evaluation criteria shown on the following page were used by the Town of Blacksburg ARPA Advisory Team to independently score each of the projects under consideration. After scoring, the Advisory Team had a series of deliberative meetings to discuss the relative merits of the proposed projects , fine-tune project scoring, and narrow the list down to the most strategic and impactful projects. The ARPA Advisory Team worked to identify projects that scored highly according to these selection criteria and reflected strong community support. Balancing all of these considerations, the advisory team put forward a slate of projects for Town Council’s consideration that:
are strongly supported by the community
will accelerate COVID recovery for residents and businesses
will provide critically needed support and services for our community’s most vulnerable residents
are anticipated to have strategic and long-term impacts
are logistically feasible within the ARPA timeframe
This funding scenario was further refined based on Town Council’s feedback. This report details the final ARPA recommendations and project list for the Town of Blacksburg.
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