American Rescue Plan
Looking Ahead
Moving Other Priorities Forward
The community input the Town received through this process highlighted a number of other priorities for residents. This feedback will be used to inform project prioritization and future funding decisions for the Town’s Capital Improvement Program budgeting process.
These projects include finding a suitable location for a public bathroom in the downtown area that is integrated into the permanent redevelopment design for the Draper Road Streetscape; an engineering study to find a safe crossing for the Huckleberry Trail over Prices Fork Road; upgrades to the communications equipment used by our police officers; new debris management equipment to keep our streets, bike lanes, and sidewalks clear; redesigning and upgrading Hand-In Hand Playground; and an array of upgrades to our water and sewer infrastructure.
These seven projects, and the other eleven that will be funded through ARPA, will have a profound impact on our community for many decades to come.
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