American Rescue Plan


Selected Projects

Support and Services for Our Most Vulnerable Residents

Hospice Center (Architecture & Site Engineering)

The Town plans to invest $695,000 of ARPA funds in Sojourn Inc., which is working to develop an 8- bed hospice house in Blacksburg. Funds would support the architectural and engineering costs for the eventual facility, which will be located near Warm Hearth. This project was not originally included in the public engagement survey. However, the great interest in serving vulnerable residents and seniors as expressed in the survey comments led staff to recommend funding for this project.

Strengthen Childcare Workforce

The Town plans to invest $1,150,000 of ARPA funds in a childcare workforce project led by the Community Foundation of the New River Valley. This project will work with 13 licensed childcare providers in Blacksburg on teacher retention and recruitment. Funds will support salary increases and professional training to rebuild and retain the workforce.


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