American Rescue Plan


Selected Projects

Investments in Parks, Trails and Outdoor Spaces

New Community Gardens

Demand for community garden space grew during the pandemic and survey results indicate this remains a high priority for residents. The Town is devoting $87,000 of its ARPA funds to Live Work Eat Grow (LWEG) to create two more community gardens within Town limits. Part of the funding will also go toward a small tractor that will ultimately serve all of Blacksburg’s community gardens.

Huckleberry Repaving & Widening

The Town plans to invest $750,000 of ARPA funds to widen and repave approximately three miles of the Huckleberry trail based on locations identified in the Huckleberry Trail Master Plan. Survey results also show strong support for dedicating ongoing funding for the Huckleberry. The Town is exploring options to establish a capital depreciation fund for the Town’s section of the Huckleberry Trail, in order to address future trail and amenities, maintenance and other improvements.


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