American Rescue Plan
Support for our Most Vulnerable Residents
Support and Services for our Most VulnerableResidents Select up t o t woproject s l isted below
Sojourn Hospice Center
We received over 60 write-in requests for the Town to use ARPA funds to support the development of a hospice house in Blacksburg. In response, the ARPA Advisory Team reached out to learn more about this project, have them submit a detailed project proposal, and score it. Based on that review, this project is also being recommended for ARPA funding.
Strengthen Childcare Workforce
Community Partner Proposed Project
Community Partner Proposed Project
Ensure Food Security
Senior Covid Companion Program
< Community Partner Proposed Project
Community Partner Project
Note: Projects that support our most vulnerable residents generated the greatest level of support in the community survey, both as a general category (question #1), and when respondents were asked to weigh in on specific projects. Investments to strengthen our local childcare workforce and support programs that ensure food security garnered the #1 and #3 slots, respectively among the 57 projects presented. Additionally, because supporting vulnerable residents was such a high priority and because the Sojourn Hospice Center received such high level of support in the survey, the Town has decided to fully fund the architecture, engineering and site design for this project.
Fully Fund
Partially Fund/Modify Project
Do Not Fund
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