

Alignment $ 1. How elements align on the page. 2 . The way that text lines up on a page or in a column: flush left (text has an even left edge and an uneven right edge, also called unjustified or ragged right), centered (text on each line is centered in the middle of the column), flush right (text has an even right edge and an uneven left edge), or justified (text is even on both the right and left edges). Body copy $ The actual text of articles, reports, memos or other communications. To be distinguished from headlines, captions and subheads. Borders $ Lines placed above, below, around or to the right or left of text to help set off the text, create visual interest or add to the style and identity of a document. Caption $ Descriptive or explanatory text accompany- ing a photograph or illustration. Cap height $ The height of the uppercase letters. Column width $ The horizontal measure of a column. Crop $ To trim a graphic. Design element $ Any graphic (illustration, typography, photograph, etc.) that you integrate into your layout to make the pages more attractive and help communicate your ideas to the reader. Design solution $ The overall design of a document or series of documents that meets all of your communica- tions and corporate identity requirements. Desktop publishing $ (DTP) An early computer term coined for the design and production of publications using personal computers with graphics capabilities.



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