
Part Four: Add the Finishing Touches Attention to detail is the hallmark of professional graphic design—it may mean the difference between a high-quality publication and a mediocre one. A little extra effort can help you avoid embarrass- ing and expensive mistakes. Last-minute revisions can reward you with a publication that is a pleasure to read instead of a struggle. Here are twelve ways to make sure you communi- cate as effectively as possible. Check for text and layout mistakes. Always check your work—make certain that nothing important has been omitted. Ensure that names, dates and addresses are correct. It is very easy to overlook your own mistakes. It is a known fact that the mind unconsciously supplies miss- ing words and corrects misspelled words that would be immediately obvious to others. It should also be noted that standard spell checking utilities do not correct grammatical errors. Check for graphic consistency as well as accuracy. Make sure that column rules are drawn in, that the bottoms of columns are parallel, and (in the case of newspapers) that you have identified where articles continue on to.




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