Aging in Place Workbook 2019
Acknowledgements We hope you have found this Aging In Place Planning Workbook helpful. The content was
compiled and adapted by the Aging In Place Leadership Team from an array of well-respected
aging in place resources including:
Act III: Your Plan for Aging in Place, National Aging in Place Council
The MetLife Aging in Place Workbook, MetLife Mature Market Institute
The AARP Homefit Guide, AARP
The Aging in Place Leadership Team is dedicated to creating lifespan friendly communities in the New River Valley, and is made up of individuals from agencies and organizations across our region, including:
Nancy Brossoie , PhD, Senior Research Associate, Virginia Tech Center for Gerontology
Carol Davis , Sustainability Manager, Town of Blacksburg
Patti Drescher , Occupational Therapist, Dept. for Aging & Rehabilitative Services
Shelley Fortier , Executive Director, Habitat for Humanity
Lorrie Juftes , Community Aging Advocate
Tina King , Executive Director, New River Valley Area Agency on Aging
Anne McClung , Planning & Building Director, Town of Blacksburg
Ellen Stewart , Housing & Community Development Grants Coordinator, Town of Blacksburg/NRV HOME Consortium
Kim Thurlow , Community Programs Director, Community Foundation of the NRV
Elisabeth Willis , Sr. Housing & Community Development Project Manager, Town of Blacksburg/NRV HOME Consortium
Jennifer Wilsie , Sr. Planner, New River Valley Regional Commission
Jessica Wirgau , PhD, Executive Director, Community Foundation of the NRV
Aging in Place: Your Home, Your Community, Your Choice
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