Aging in Place Workbook 2019
General Do you feel that you have enough social interaction with other people? Yes____N0____ Not Sure ____ If you answered “ no ”: What are the reasons? Select all that apply. Transportation (hard to drive at night, cost, etc.) Home is far away from social opportunities Children/family no longer live in the area Don’t feel connected to people or groups in the area Other: ______________________________________
Did You Know?
Isolation and loneliness are associated with higher rates of chronic health conditions, weakened immune system, depression, anxiety, and dementia .
Are the social activities and entertainment that you prefer, available in your community? Yes____N0____ Not Sure ____
If you answered “ no ”: What kind of social activities and entertainment would you be interested in?
Theatre Exercise Civic and Service groups and clubs Religious or Spiritual groups Craft Clubs or Guilds
Dance Music Movies
Book Clubs or Writer’s Groups Speakers and Adult Education Sports and/or Recreation Other: __________________________
Aging in Place: Your Home, Your Community, Your Choice
Connection & Growth 40
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