Aging in Place 3rd edition
Opportunities for Fulfilling Activities Do you have enough opportunities to do things that interest and/or challenge you? Yes____ No____ Not Sure ____ If you answered “ no ”: What interests would you like to pursue? (Select all that apply) Gardening Games (solo or with friends)
Carpentry/Woodworking Hunting/Fishing Camping/Hiking Outdoor Hobbies, i.e. birding Genealogy/History
Reading or writing Visual Art or Crafts Music or other Performing Arts Charitable or Civic Work Competitive Activities Touring/Travel Classes (Lifelong Learning Institutes)
Solo exercise (i.e. cycling, swimming) Group exercise, classes, or sports Car Repair/Restoration Other: ___________________
Do you enjoy traveling either internationally or domestically? Yes____ No____ Are you able to travel as much as you would like? Yes____ No____ Not Sure ____ If you answered “ no ” or “not sure”: What is preventing you? Physical limitations and /or health challenges Finances Lack of a travel partner Lack information on travel options Other: _________________________________________________________
Aging in Place: Your Home, Your Community, Your Choice
Connection & Growth 54
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