Academic Catalog 2020-2021
B. Major Requirements
46 SH
(Some of these meet general education requirements) BIO 1034 or 1114, PSY 1013, 2043, 3013, 3033, 3043, 3053, 3083, 4013, 4033, 4043, 4603 9 hours chosen from the following: PSY 2033, 2053, 2063, 3073, 3143, 3153, 3413, 3503, 4053, 4063, 4073, 4083, 4093, 4203, 4503 C. Minor/Electives
28 SH 126 SH
II. Psychology Minor:
PSY 1013, 2043, 3083, 4043
12 SH
6 Hrs. from the following Psychology courses: 2033, 2053, 2063, 2073, 3013, 3033, 3043, 3053, 3073, 3143, 3153, 2503, 3413, 4013, 4033, 4053, 4083, 4093, 4503
6 SH
18 SH
First Year COR 1012 CST 1103 COM 1023 ENG 1013-1023 HIS US & World MAT 1213 or above
Second Year COR 2012
2 SH 6 SH 3 SH 3 SH 6 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH
2 SH 3 SH 3 SH 4 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 6 SH
COR 2002, 2001
BIO 1034 or 1114
PSY 3033 PSY 3043 BUS 2513 PSY 3083
PSY 1013 PSY 2043 Fine Arts
Science and/or Math (BS) Intermed. Language (BA) Electives
32 SH
3 SH 33 SH
Third Year COR 3012 PSY 3013 PSY 3053 PSY 4043 MAT 2023
Fourth Year PSY 4033 PSY 4043 PSY 4603 PSY Electives
2 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 3 SH
3 SH 3 SH 3 SH 6 SH
Minor or Electives
15 SH 30 SH
Minor or Electives
18 SH 32 SH
PSY 1013 Introduction to Psychology An introduction to psychology as a scientific and applied discipline including the findings, concepts, theories, methods, and applications of psychology. This course is a prerequisite to all following psychology courses.
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