Academic Catalog 2020-2021
example, this course will include case studies covering important marketing concepts such as pricing, promotion, advertising, and distribution concepts. Other important course topics include product quality, customer service, and differing competitive environments BUS 5353 Organizational Behavior Managers are confronted by new challenges created by the global economy, pressures to improve performance, and demands to produce more with less. Students will learn how organizations operate as systems through diverse strategies. Materials are drawn from a range of perspectives including management, organizational psychology, and sociology. The course will integrate these perspectives and stress their application to organizations. BUS 5363 Legal and Ethical Business Issues Legal and ethical issues directly affecting managers are examined in this course. This course will include an examination of the American Legal System, as well as the impor- tance for ethical decision making in business contexts. Case studies will cover many of the important course concepts. BUS 5373 Managerial Economics In this course students explore economics relevant to managers by analyzing common problems encountered in a business environment. The problems are designed to show how the tools of economics can be applied to these problems and help to reach solutions that might otherwise not be discovered. Course topics include decision making, pricing, strategic decision making, uncertainty and organizational design. Through a combination of interactive discussions, cases, practical examples, and individual assignments, the course applies economic theory to the challenges facing every business. We analyze the costs and benefits of socially responsible decisions and how businesses can minimize costs and maximize the benefits associated with sustainable processes. BUS 5383 International Business The International business course examines the global economy, current trading blocs, international trade regulations, cooperative working arrangements, and international financing options. International trade theories and guiding principles will also be examined. BUS 5393 Financial Management The Financial management course will include the examination of interest rates, stock financing, debt financing, bond financing varieties, and the determination of appropriate rates of return in a variety of contexts. Other important course topics include hybrid securi- ties, security options, convertible bonds, as well as mergers and acquisitions. A variety of ethical issues, related to financial management will also be examined. BUS 5403 Capstone: Project Initiation, Design and Planning This course is the first of two capstones courses in the MBA program. This first course focuses on the beginning phases of project planning (e.g. initiation and design) and applying consulting principles. This course is designed to provide a foundation and opportunity to explore consulting principles and enhance negotiation and conflict resolution skills. Students elect to either address an existing performance gap in their organizations/community/ institutions or participate with other graduate students in NetImpact’s global community network. Either option uses investigative skills to identify root causes of performance gaps or identify community needs and recommend feasible solutions. Students will also analyze ethical, legal and social factors that contribute to organizational and community success.
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